Dude, so it’s been an insane week so far. Moving out of IHouse and into our new place, saying goodbye to everyone, and participating in various extracurricular activies, including seeing the amusingly-named Greg Proops of Whose Line Is It, Anyway? fame, going to my brother’s Memorial Day barbecue, going out for Izumi’s birthday today, and arranging for the cable modem guy to come next week to bring us the glorious Internet, among other things (long-running research report, anyone? :).

I still haven’t unpacked everything, but I’m getting there. My advisor has given me a lot to do, and I have to attend this three-day Eclipse workshop through the end of the week, which is going to slay me (I don’t think I could possibly survive a 9-5 workday anymore). Anyway, I wasn’t planning on writing an LJ entry tonight, but I was lying on my bed, setting up Eclipse on my new laptop, when it popped up a little message: “Found a wireless network.” Ah, always working diligently for me. I guess someone in a nearby apartment is running an open wireless network. Sweet! So I get free Internet access, no strings attached (har har). I love technology.

Okay, back to work…

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